Newsletter Q4 2021

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Castle Builder Financial

CSAE Names Castle Builder Financial as Partner

We’re very proud to announce Castle Builder’s partnership with the Canadian Society of Association Executives.

Of the many dynamic Association Executives we’ve collaborated with, a surprisingly high proportion of them have received training from the CSAE.

The membership group of this top-notch organization comprises the leadership of more than 700 professional Associations across Canada. And that scale makes a world of difference to a group credit card processing plan. #csae #affinitypartnership #grouprates #savings #creditcardprocessing

EMV 3D Secure Technology reaches Canada

With eCommerce transaction volume continuing to grow at unprecedented rates, EMV 3D Secure authentication technology is arriving in Canada at just the right moment.

eCommerce merchants can now integrate this service quite easily into their check-out processes without adding any friction for customers. And the benefits are enormous: processing fees are significantly reduced and Chargeback risk is shifted to the card-issuing bank.

For any business that accepts credit cards online, this is a must have integration. #emv3dsecure #ecommerce #savings #fraudprevention

Castle Builder Financial

BCDA Names Castle Builder Financial Affinity Partner

It’s very gratifying to form our second major partnership of the quarter with the BC Dental Association. Being in a position to serve the dental professionals who contribute so much to public health is a tremendous honour.

We look forward to helping BC’s dental community reduce the expense of credit card acceptance while making it more convenient for patients to pay. #bcda #partnership #affinity #dentaloffice #bcdentalassociation

Visa Picks Fight with Apple

Credit card issuing banks have long been unhappy about the fees that they’re forced to pay Apple when their cards are stored within the ApplePay digital wallet. A recent Wall Street Journal article indicates that those banks have succeeded in pulling Visa to their side of the argument.

Currently, card issuers pay a processing fee on every transaction that flows through ApplePay. Visa is said to be planning a technological change that will allow Apple to collect fees on one-time transactions only. This won’t affect the majority of transactions, but it will keep them from collecting on Recurring payments like gym memberships and streaming services.

It’ll be interesting to see what Apple does to reclaim those lost revenues. #visa #apple #applepay #letsgetreadytorumble

Fun & Games for Financial Literacy

Financial educator GoHenry has just launched a game called “Money Missions”. This game focuses on enhancing childhood financial literacy.

When I find myself among other financial service professionals one of the biggest issues we discuss is the dearth of quality financial education for children and teens. I have yet to encounter a single peer who isn’t in favour of incorporating financial literacy training into high school curricula.

While we’re waiting for large scale change on this issue, I’m loving what private enterprises like GoHenry are doing to draw users in by making the experience fun. #financialliteracy #gamificationoflearning #financialinclusion